Thursday, March 27, 2014

A World Wide Screen

I adore nature, but I recently took my tablet with me on a fishing trip. I did. I admit it. I really thought I'd get some use out of it, and planned to read while waiting for fish to bite.  But before my lured line could even settle on the bottom of the port, my eyes began to slowly open up to a continuously unfolding narrative. It's unclear which parts of my own observations would have rendered this nonfiction masterpiece as being fictional, and even less clear as to the mode of fiction that would be entailed.

The characters included a tiny sea turtle wandering alone in the blue-green abyss, a school of dolphins distant enough to look like shadows piercing the surface, and the rainbow of humans gathered for the purpose of celebrating creation.

It started millenia ago, but was written well enough that I could follow along, knowing that I wouldn't witness the end.

This was all displayed above the widest screen imaginable for earth, though also constant was the static of millions of tiny ripples across its ever-changing surface.  

God is truly a Master director.

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